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SOGO (K.L) Department Store Sdn Bhd

About Us

SOGO is a leading retailer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with over 700,000 square feet filled with the latest fashion trends, home convenience wares, hottest sales and promotions throughout the year.
We also have Cosmetics & Fragrances, Fashion Clothes, Home Furnishing, Children & Infant Wear, Electronics & Gadgets, Fast Food & Restaurants all under one roof!
Each day at SOGO we begin and end our day with our customers in mind. Making our customer's shopping experience an enjoyable one is our commitment to our valued customers. So if you have a pleasant smile, a passion for service and is excited to delight others, we want you to join our SOGO Family. Read Less
Company Type

Company Size

>100 Employees

1.Tukang Masak

💠SOGO (K.L.) Department Store Sdn Bhd
🔘 RM1,500 - RM2,000 Per Month  Full Time  Makanan & Minuman
💠 SOGO (KL) Department Store Sdn Bhd, Kompleks SOGO, 190, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, 50100, Malaysia
🔘 Closing 11 Mar 2019

Mohon Sekarang👈
2.Tukang Masak Dim Sum 

💠SOGO (K.L.) Department Store Sdn Bhd
🔘 RM1,500 - RM2,500 Per Month  Full Time  Makanan & Minuman
💠 SOGO (KL) Department Store Sdn Bhd, Kompleks SOGO, 190, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, 50100, Malaysia
🔘 Closing 11 Mar 2019

Mohon Sekarang👈
3.[Walk In Interview] Pembantu Runcit (SOGO I-City Shah Alam) 

💠SOGO (K.L.) Department Store Sdn Bhd
🔘 RM1,300 - RM1,500 Per Month  Full Time  Runcit / Barangan
💠 SOGO Central I-City Shopping Centre, , Bandar Shah Alam, Selangor, 40000, Malaysia
🔘 Closing 16 Mar 2019

Mohon Sekarang👈

💠SOGO (K.L.) Department Store Sdn Bhd
🔘 RM1,500 - RM1,700 Per Month  Full Time  Runcit / Barangan
💠 SOGO (KL) Department Store Sdn Bhd, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, 50100, Malaysia
🔘 Closing 30 Mar 2019

Mohon Sekarang👈
5.Polis Bantuan

💠SOGO (K.L.) Department Store Sdn Bhd
🔘 RM1,300 - RM1,700 Per Month  Full Time  Runcit / Barangan
💠 SOGO (KL) Department Store Sdn Bhd, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, 50100, Malaysia
🔘 Closing 29 Mar 2019

📚Method to apply the job :

1. Click the link from the job list to go to the website job
2. After the website job appeared, click "Apply" below the details
3. For login, click "Facebook" or "Phone"
4. Fill in the requirement details
5. Fill in your resume in the application form and click "Submit"
🔎Any other requirements contact me through WhatsApp on this link Hello Want To Apply Job

Our PAGE👇👇👇

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